Continuing an aggressive growth strategy, Relevate Health announced the acquisition of Boston-based Axon Communications and the company’s proprietary suite of digital healthcare professional (HCP), field team, and patient engagement marketing products.

Medable Inc., the leading software provider for patient-centered clinical trials, launched the Medable Partner Network – uniting a diverse ecosystem of technology, service, data, site, and direct-to-patient partners that work together to accelerate deployment of decentralized clinical trials.

Ashfield Engage, part of UDG Healthcare, announced the acquisition of Medaxis, a patient engagement services partner for the life sciences industry that provides services to healthcare professionals and patients.

During 2021, Snow Companies looks back at 20 years of the patient engagement agency’s history. Over these years, Snow has worked with large numbers of patients and captured their stories. The agency is highlighting 20 of these stories at over the next few weeks.

To mark World Pulmonary Hypertension Day, patient engagement agency COUCH Health launched a new disease awareness campaign to shine a spotlight on Pulmonary Hypertension and those affected by this often misdiagnosed condition.

If organizations want to maintain a trustworthy image and connect with their customers, transparency in the pharmaceutical industry needs to become a higher priority. One way to address this situation is to highlight the commitment to ingredient traceability.

As part of a continued explosive growth plan, direct-to-patient engagement company Health Monitor Network announced the hiring of David Paragamian as President.

Leadership teams from the 2020 Manny Award winners and finalists participated in a Q&A forum to offer their analysis on a variety of healthcare industry themes and trends.

As healthcare companies increasingly target products towards tech-savvy consumers with the hope of impacting patient engagement and loyalty, they must also expertly navigate legal, compliance and regulatory guidelines for patient privacy.

The BlocPartners – the leading global network of independent health creative and medical communications agencies – announced its newest partner, OPEN Health Patient & Brand Communications (PBC), a top-ranking UK independent agency.