Change is inevitable, and evolving and growing with it is the only way to move forward. That’s just a fact. Those in our industry who aren’t willing to embrace the constant changes we’re seeing in technology, trends, and now how we market health and wellness brands, are going to be left behind because journal ads, banner ads and TV commercials as exclusive mediums will likely not sufficiently reach a brand’s target audiences any longer.

The white paper explores trends and market forces affecting organized provider groups (OPGs) and identifies opportunities for pharmaceutical manufacturers to partner with OPGs to develop mutually beneficial programs addressing areas of shared interest.

Full-service healthcare communications agency GSW released its annual trends reports series, identifying emerging trends to help marketing professionals and their brand managers understand how consumer expectations are changing.

Merck is globally committed to an antimicrobial stewardship encompassing surveillance, R&D, and health policy.

What are key trends in the transparency compliance landscape? And, how are life sciences manufacturers tackling growing requirements

Industry experts tell Med Ad News about 16 trends that they believe will affect sales-force strategies in the immediate future.

What are key trends in the transparency compliance landscape?