CDC’s Plan To Reduce Superbug Infections Is Wishful Thinking
The CDC optimistically just said that better communication between hospitals, nursing homes, and health departments could markedly reduce antibiotic resistant “superbug” infections. While a laudable idea, I’m afraid the plan is the stuff of dreams…or, in this case, computer models. Given my view from the trenches—working part-time in several community hospitals—here are the problems I see that need to be overcome.
In the CDC Vital Signs report and their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC notes that antibiotic resistant bacteria cause more than 2 million illnesses and at least 23,000 deaths per year, just in the U.S. They focused on only four superbugs for their analysis—CRE (carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae), which are resistant to all or almost all antibiotics, a multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can also cause deadly nosocomial infections (healthcare associated, or HAI), MRSA, and C. difficile.
The CDC projects that, over five years, infections by these four superbugs alone will increase by 10%, to 340,000 per year, if we don’t improve our systems. Their model projects that better coordination between centers could reduce CRE infections by 70% over this time. They further suggest that better infection control and antibiotic use could prevent 619,000 infections from these four bacteria and save 37,000 lives, as well as an estimated $7.7 billion in direct medical costs.
This is how the CDC illustrates their model.
Taking an example of 10 regional hospitals, more than 2,000 patients would get CRE infections over five years, if nothing is changed. If hospitals try to work on their own, as most do now, the number of infections would be reduced by 25%, to ~1,500. If there were cooperation and coordination by all the players, then CRE infections would drop to just 400.
Problems with the model and recommendations
The CDC suggests that nursing homes “implement systems to alert receiving facilities when transferring patients who have drug-resistant germs.” Sometimes I feel like nursing homes—and especially some of the LTAC (long term acute care facility) drug-resistance breeding grounds I’ve encountered—are playing “Hearts” and passing a patient with a CRE is like pawning off the Queen of Hearts onto an unsuspecting hospital. They’ve gotten rid of their headache patient and can wipe their hands of the problem.
This novel idea of communication also assumes that hospitals and nursing homes can and want to be honest with each other. This is not always the case. While hospitals tend to be honest now when making nursing home placements, they do so reluctantly, knowing that many facilities will not accept a patient with a resistant organism. Many facilities do not want to advertise their problems with resistant organisms—it’s not exactly good for business.
There are no standard means of electronic communication. Each facility has its own type of electronic medical record (EMR) and they speak different languages. This is a huge barrier. Similarly, lab tests and reporting systems vary, too, making it impossible to gather data nationally, rather than from the small subset of hospitals (NHSS) that currently submit data to the CDC. A related problem is that facilities are not required to report resistant infections to the health department or CDC, with rare exception. (South Dakota mandates reporting of CRE to its health department. Illinois’s health department keeps a registry of all patients infected with drug-resistant bacteria, and makes this information available to hospitals and nursing homes). This must change if we are even going to begin to effectively control resistant infections.
The most pragmatic proposal I saw is to make a network of regional labs to detect antibiotic resistance, with real-time monitoring, which would allow it to be actionable. This would also provide a library of antibiotic resistant bacterial isolates to facilitate further studies and drug development.
Another recommendation is to “Get leadership commitment to join healthcare-associated infection (HAI)/antibiotic resistance prevention activities in the area.” Right now, leadership I’ve seen is almost solely focused on their bottom line finances. As part of that, they slash support for infectious disease specialists and infection control practitioners, as well as for antibiotic stewardship. We are not profit centers, and are therefore not valued.
The suggestion to “Connect with the public health department to share data about antibiotic resistance and other HAIs” and “Public health leadership is critical” would have made me laugh, were the idea not pitiful. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Trust for America’s Health, public health spending was 10% lower in 2013 than in 2009, and is below pre-recession levels. From FY 2008 to FY 2014, the per capita state spending was cut more than $1.3 billion (adjusted for inflation). “In FY 2013-14, the median state funding for public health was $31.06 per person,” with a low of just $3.59 in Nevada. Even the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), which focuses on preparedness for emergencies, was cut by more than 50% over the past 10 years. There doesn’t seem to be much room for adding programs in surveillance and communications. Just how are state and local health departments supposed to “Dedicate staff to improve connections and coordination with health care facilities in the area” when their funding has been gutted?
Particularly with the GOP seemingly focused on free markets and small government, or privatizing previously public services, I don’t see public health gaining the necessary funding to implement necessary changes.
Michael Bell, M.D., deputy director of CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, suggests that patients tell their health provider if they have recently received care in another facility. I would add one thing to that, based on scary experiences this summer. I was “burned” by two patients, in hospitals in two different towns, who answered “No” to that question. Both were seriously ill and subsequently came back with blood stream infections with ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactamase) superbugs, susceptible only to the carbapenem class of antibiotics (translates as very resistant, one step below CRE bugs, which are resistant to carbapenems, too). In further exploring why these two relatively healthy people came into the hospital with such a resistant organism, I learned that each had a family member who had such exposure. One partner had been an inpatient; one household member worked in a nursing home. We should add this potential exposure history to our risk assessment—this is far more important than doing Ebola screening for every hospital or clinic patient and would be easily implemented. These recent cases should give practitioners pause as we pick empiric antibiotics for seriously ill patients.
I’m all for the types of coordination proposed by the CDC, but wishing alone will not make this come true. Now we need Congress to fund this and other public health initiatives. Other important steps are mandating reporting of resistant organisms to the health departments and CDC, and having EMRs that can communicate. I’m encouraged at the HHS proposal that would require an infection prevention and control practitioner, and an antibiotic stewardship program that includes antibiotic use protocols and a system to monitor antibiotic use for nursing homes. I hope this is implemented.
We also need to tackle the bigger problem, the misuse of antibiotics in agriculture. For example, a new report last month found resistant Klebsiella organisms on retail meat, concluding that meat from grocery store chains is a “potential vehicle for transmitting virulent, antibiotic-resistant K. pneumoniae from food animals to humans.”
All of these coordinated efforts, a cultural change towards cooperation rather than competition, and the support of Congress in providing leadership and funding, will be necessary to control the rise of superbugs.
Also on Forbes:
Source: Forbes