Health Outcomes: Facts & Figures
A quarter of healthcare organizations’ revenue is tied to value-based payments, according to a survey by the healthcare data analytics and policy company DataGen. Those with 550 or more beds reported the largest portion of risk, with an average of 37.9 percent of revenue tied to VBP.
Accountable care organizations are the most popular type of value-based arrangement in which respondents participate (62 percent), followed closely by Medicare episode-specific bundled payment models (51 percent), patient-centered medical home (35 percent), capitation (29 percent), commercial bundled payments arrangements (25 percent), and all-payer/other-payer options (11 percent).
Nearly two-thirds (62 percent) of respondents to the DataGen survey plan to enter into or expand VBP participation in the next two years; 9 percent say they will not; 29 percent are undecided. When asked which VBP models respondents plan to enter or expand into in the next two years, commercial bundled payment arrangements (32 percent) and ACOs (32 percent) tied as the top response, followed by Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (23 percent) and capitation (20 percent). Half of respondents (50 percent) believe VBP will become the primary revenue model for the United States in the next five years. A third (33 percent) say it will not; 17 percent are undecided.
More than two-thirds (69 percent) of DataGen’s respondents say value-based payment programs have resulted in quality improving significantly or moderately, 29 percent say it has only improved slightly or is about the same, and no respondents said quality declined. However, less than half (45 percent) say financials have improved significantly or moderately, while 51 percent say it improved slightly or stayed about the same. Two percent reported a decline.
Acceleration into new payment models is the No. 1 reason why organizations will invest in value-based models. Meanwhile, budget is the No. 1 reason why organizations will not invest. When asked about their strategic priorities for the year, almost three-quarters of respondents (73 percent) ranked focusing on efficiency and reducing costs within their top three priorities. Meanwhile, less than a third are prioritizing participation in VBC/alternative payment models (31 percent), managing population health (32 percent) and improving patient safety (30 percent).
Respondents said they strongly favored predictive and real-time analytics (80 percent) over traditional analytics (41 percent) or industry data, such as regulatory intel or benchmarking data (54 percent). Nearly 60 percent of respondents intend to invest in new technologies in the short term. For those who plan to invest, the top choices are performance reporting dashboards (76 percent) followed by decision support and workflow technology (69 percent). A third of respondents (33 percent) are not sure if they plan to expand or invest in care coordination in the next two years. Forty-five percent say they definitively will, and 22 percent say they will not.
Source: DataGen
A third of individuals reported that they had to miss or cancel previously scheduled appointments in the past two weeks (responses from 3/31–4/8), according to a survey by the data analytics company Evidation Health. Seven percent reported being unable to obtain their prescription drugs or that they have stopped taking drugs as prescribed. Across the board, these disruptions are affecting higher proportions of individuals with high need chronic conditions. More than half (52 percent) of chronic pain patients have experienced a medical disruption, while 46 percent of rheumatoid arthritis patients and 45 percent of arrythmia and type 2 diabetes patients have had a similar experience.
Nationwide, 20 percent of individuals reported being worried or very worried about maintaining their health through ongoing care, including doctors’ appointments and obtaining their medications. More broadly, fear is significant – 42 percent are worried or very worried about going to the doctor’s office or the ER for necessary care, and an additional 10 percent report being so worried that they would avoid seeking necessary care.
For those individuals who had reported having their regular access to medical care disrupted (those who had canceled appointments or were unable to get a face to face appointment in the prior 2 weeks), 39 percent reported using some form of telemedicine (live video, phone, text, or email) – leaving more than 60 percent who have abandoned care they would have otherwise received. More than half of individuals with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, migraine, and other chronic conditions have not yet substituted care.
Source: Evidation Health