Tag Archive for: Lonza

Fujifilm Corporation on Thursday announced that it is investing $1.2 billon to bolster its end-to-end manufacturing capacity at the company’s Holly Springs, North Carolina site.

Last week, Swiss contract manufacturer Lonza announced it was paying $1.2 billion to buy a Roche manufacturing facility in Vacaville, California. The deal is meant to boost Lonza’s production of commercial mammalian products, which are made from cells isolated from animal tissues, and to expand its U.S. manufacturing footprint. The acquisition is indicative of the growing reliance of biopharma companies on contract manufacturers for biologics.

The site, designed to produce large-scale biologics for Roche’s Genentech, will help Lonza meet the demand for commercial mammalian products from other companies and make molecules in development

The company’s chairman has ruled out plans to use its capacity to fill syringes and provide final production steps for new obesity drugs even as rivals scramble for a share of the booming weight-loss market.

The company stated that it has capacity to fill syringes to serve makers of highly popular new weight-loss drugs in a class known as GLP-1, though it does not produce the active ingredient in those drugs.