Publicis Kaplan Thaler 2014


1675 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Telephone: 212-474-5000
Facsimile: 212-474-5702

Quick Facts

Account wins 4
Account losses 2
Active business clients 9
Brands by 2013 sales  
Brand-product accounts held 33
$25 million or less 3
$50 million – $100 million 4
$100 million – $500 million 13
$500 million to $1 billion 8
$1 billion or more 4
Services Mix  
TV/print 55%
Digital/CRM 45%

Client Roster

Bristol-Myers Squibb
Sanofi Pasteur

Publicis Kaplan Thaler is the North American flagship office of Publicis Worldwide.

“What makes us unique is we do not silo our healthcare businesses within the agency,” executives say. “We understand how to deliver powerful creative in the healthcare space, mindful of – but not shackled by – the unique challenges of this category. We like to think of patients and doctors as people; they eat Wendy’s burgers, bank at Citi, and wash their dishes with Dawn. Therefore, while our healthcare teams have deep expertise in the category ecosystem (and know how to navigate the details), we also leverage strategic and creative talent from other categories to make the most compelling and impactful communications.”

The Year’s Accomplishments

Publicis Kaplan Thaler began 2013 executing a fully integrated campaign for AbbVie’s HUMIRA. The new campaign, which launched in May, has seen “instant success in the marketplace,” according to Publicis Kaplan Thaler executives.

The first half of 2013 was also filled with preparations for the consumer launches of Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer’s Eliquis for atrial fibrillation and Shionogi’s Osphena for dyspareunia. “Both have shown early success in driving patients to action – the latter being a real breakthrough in women’s health communications,” executives say.

Long-standing campaigns for Pfizer’s Celebrex and Merck’s vaccines – Gardasil, Pneumovax23, and Zostavax – were refreshed and have continued to perform with exceptional ROIs, executives say.

In the OTC world, Publicis Kaplan Thaler added significant businesses to Procter & Gamble and Merck’s roster. “Moreover, we finished the year on a high note with the substantial win of a to-be-announced healthcare company for which we’ll handle approximately 10 major OTC brands,” executives say.

Creatively, Publicis Kaplan Thaler was responsible for Adweek’s Top Advertising Story of the Year with Crest’s “Sweet Halloween,” which garnered almost 8 million video views, as well as Oral-B’s “Power Dad’s Smile” effort for Father’s Day, executives say.

“We also launched P&G’s ZzzQuil, helping them become the category leader within an astonishing four months of launch and maintained it through the launch year,” executives say. “As part of a fully integrated campaign, we developed one of the most innovative approaches for traditional radio that literally bored listeners to sleep. The effort earned a Radio Mercury Award.”

Additionally, Publicis Kaplan Thalercreated Communication Arts award-winning work for Scope and was behind arguably the greatest product hoax of the year with Scope Bacon.

For 2014, Publicis Kaplan Thaler started off the year with two appointments within executive leadership. Andrew Bruce was appointed CEO of North America, and Carla Serrano, formerly CEO of Naked Communications, became Publicis Kaplan Thaler’s chief strategy officer. “With a year of great accomplishments and a highly focused executive team, we look forward to building on our many successes,” executives say.

Future Plans

“It is well documented that Publicis is the most digital agency network,” executives say, adding that Publicis Kaplan Thaler will continue to strengthen its digital and social as core offerings. “Currently, 45 percent of our revenue is derived from digital and CRM, well ahead of the industry,” executives say. “Looking ahead we will continue to help clients, including those in the DTC landscape, expand their digital and social presence to take full advantage of evolving consumer habits.”


“While we devote a great deal of our focus to being excellent business partners to our clients, Publicis Kaplan Thaleris equally devoted to being a community-focused corporate citizen,” executives say.

In addition to the pro bono work the agency does for clients including ADL (helping combat hate around the world), Ad Council/ (encouraging disadvantaged youth to stay in school), and Street Soccer USA (providing homeless people the opportunity to get off the streets and transform their lives through soccer), Publicis Kaplan Thalerencourages employees to follow their passions and give back to the larger community.

“As an agency, we rally to the aid of those in need after natural and human disasters along with a yearly matching gift program to the charity of employees’ choice,” executives say. “We organize multiple agency-wide gift drives over the holidays for children in disadvantaged neighborhoods and this year, in lieu of a holiday gift for employees, the agency donated essential supplies to a local school in Harlem. We are also active mentors in educating minority and inner-city youth about the advertising profession and we encourage diversity through sponsoring promising students at the yearly AEF events.

“We are also heavily involved in promoting LGBT equality through the PublicisGroupe-wide Egalite program. This year’s Egalite walkathon saw our highest-ever levels of participation and fundraising.”