GlaxoSmithKline said the company’s anemia pill for patients with kidney disease was shown to have about the same side effect risk as the current standard treatment in two important patient groups, a key advantage in a tight race with rival drug developers.

Pfizer plans to seek Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an antiviral Covid-19 treatment following an interim analysis of Phase II/III data shown to be statistically and clinically meaningful.

Several studies point to promising new approaches to treating and preventing Alzheimer’s disease and a deeper understanding of how the disease progresses.

Biogen announced plans to present data on the company’s portfolio, including the controversial medicine Aduhelm (aducanumab), at the annual Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease conference (CTAD) scheduled for November 9-12.

Ashfield Engage, part of UDG Healthcare, announced a new strategic partnership with PeakData, a world-leading technology company delivering AI-fueled scientific landscape analysis through their ground-breaking technology platform.

The inexpensive antidepressant fluvoxamine might help keep patients with Covid-19 from developing severe disease, according to a study published in The Lancet Global Health. Researchers found in another study that the coronavirus can infect cells of the inner ear, which may help explain the balance problems, hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) experienced by some Covid-19 patients.

New real-world data from the ongoing BICSTaR study demonstrated the continuing benefits of treatment with Gilead’s HIV drug Biktarvy and quality-of-life issues faced by patients who have been treated with the medicine for one year.

AbbVie’s experimental subcutaneous Parkinson’s disease drug ABBV-951 hit the mark in a 12-week Phase III study in patients with an advanced form of the disease.

Texas A&M University Science Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Pulmotect report that the drug PUL-042 appears to work against COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

Malvern, Pa.-based Ocugen submitted an Investigational New Drug Application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to run a Phase III trial of India’s Covid-19 vaccine BBV152 (Covaxin).