Tag Archive for: social media

The most popular social media platform at the moment is TikTok, but as the current administration cracks down on monopolies, anticompetitive practices, as well as media companies under foreign ownership, the future of TikTok hangs in the balance.

New Ogilvy survey shows 7 in 10 people either follow or seek out health content or learn about health/medical issues from social media – and a vast majority of those who engage take some form of action.

Analyzing social media using artificial intelligence may pick up signals of depression in white Americans but not in Black counterparts, according to a study that highlights the risk of training AI models for healthcare-related tasks without data from diverse racial and ethnic groups.

As social media platforms begin to offer ad-free subscriptions, the impact extends to the pharma and lifesciences industry.

Med Ad News spoke with Marcia Goddard on Day Three of her new role as chief creative officer at RevHealth, and she was definitely energized and excited about the transformation RevHealth has been undergoing – a new branding and vision, and changes to the leadership team.

Excitement is mounting across the industry going into 2024 about data and digital innovations’ potential for improving engagement among consumers, patients, and caregivers. That excitement is evident in conversations with eight industry leaders who are embracing digital to advance personalization, support health equity, and reach patients on new channels.

Part IV: Leaders discuss how social media has changed messaging and engagement with patients and HCP, and the role of influencer marketing.

Part VI: Leaders in healthcare marketing and communications share their thoughts on what excites them about the year ahead.

Now more than ever patients are having a major impact on healthcare marketing. To shift illness perceptions, raise awareness, and promote self-advocacy, more patients are creating their own health-related content on social media and other digital platforms.

How influencer marketing has evolved and how wellness and pharmaceutical brands can harness influencers in their 2024 marketing plans.