Biotech company Psycheceutical Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., was issued two patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for what it calls a “precision duplicity” approach to delivering psychedelic drugs to patients.

Combining medical information (MI) and pharmacovigilance (PV) has been shown to drive an array of positive outcomes, including accelerating adverse event intake, improving healthcare professional and patient communications, intelligently connecting enterprise systems and importantly, driving better patient safety. New innovations in connected technologies are finally making it possible to combine elements of these functions in a thoughtful way. However, the change from legacy processes and mindset will be significant and driving employee adoption to see the benefit of these investments will require careful change management. IQVIA’s Annette Williams and Libbie McKenzie explore considerations for leaders looking to combine aspects of their MI and PV functions and how they can effectively roll out this shift to maximize the benefits to their organizations along with patients, providers, and other key stakeholders.

The Greater Than One Group and its non-profit subsidiary Honeycomb Health will be launching a cross country road trip to raise money for the rare disease cause.

Healthcare advertising agency PRECISIONeffect acquired Pascāle, an international healthcare communications company specializing in public relations and social media.

In PerkinElmer’s largest purchase ever, the Massachusetts-based company is dropping a massive $5.25 billion in cash and stock to buy the biomedical research tool company BioLegend. 

The model for healthcare delivery and treatment was upended by the COVID-19 pandemic, as ordinary Americans have learned to take more control of their own care and treatment, harnessing a new class of technology tools that have given individuals unprecedented clout. But patients and healthcare providers still need to partner together for the best outcomes, according to Jim Weiss, founder and CEO of Real Chemistry.

As the U.S. moves from managing COVID-19 to managing a recovery, it is clear that the pandemic lockdowns had a profound impact on how people consume media, how they receive healthcare information, and their expectations changed around how brands connect with them. For marketers, building brand value with customers will be tantamount to marketing success in this brave new world. 

Roger Perlmutter will helm the drug discovery startup Eikon Therapeutics after the industry veteran and former president of Merck Research Laboratories departed the pharma giant at the end of 2020. California-based Eikon emerged from stealth mode with a $148 million Series A financing round.

More than 60 U.S. stadiums and other venues are deploying an app from Clear to verify people’s Covid-19 status, placing the New York company known for its airport security fast lanes at the forefront of a national debate over “vaccine passports.”

Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock shared her thoughts on pandemic issues and outlined FDA modernization plans in a Q&A session with the Alliance for a Stronger FDA..